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Ruth Upton
Ruth Upton
Department: Social Sciences/Education
Title: Assistant Professor
Phone #: 304-788-7101
Master’s Degree in Behavior Disorders West Virginia University
Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with a Minor in Special Education
Potomac State College Pre Elementary Education Major
Courses Taught:
EDUC 100
EDUC 200
CDFS 110
CDFS 112
CDFS 210
CDFS 211
CDFS 212
COUN 230
EDP 101
WVUe 191
University Services:
Chair of Service Committee 2010-2012
Co-advisor of PSC Serves You Club 2010-Present
Academic Advisor for Education Majors and RBA Candidates
Conference Presentations:
Turning No into Yes” for Child Care Providers May 9, 2011 and May 12, 2011
Was Keynote Speaker for West Virginia State Training and Registry System April 2013
Fun Fact:
I planted trees, picked fruit and taught on an Indian Reservation prior to my teaching career.