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Academic Success Center's tutors extraordinary people. Tutoring sessions can be scheduled on an individualized or group basis.  Tutors are available for most subject areas. We will make every attempt to find a tutor in a timely manner for those subjects that are not covered. In addition to course content tutoring, student skills development assistance is provided on an individualized and small group basis upon request.

Tutoring is our most requested service. Please be considerate and cancel if you are not able to keep your scheduled appointment. Repeated "no shows" may affect your ability to be scheduled for future appointments.

Receiving tutoring is a process of learning. It is best that this service not be used simply to "pass the next test".

Tips for Working with Tutors 

  1. Keep your scheduled appointments and be ready to work when your tutor arrives.  Write down information about your assignments, have a copy of the study guide and bring your textbook and class notes.
  2. Your tutor will not do your homework for you.  They will help you to learn, not help you to avoid hard work.
  3. Prepare beforehand.  Formulate specific questions.
  4. Be ready to concentrate. 
  5. Be clear about what you want.

You can request a tutor by visiting the Academic Success Center located in the  Mary F. Shipper Library on the ground Floor, and completing the necessary paperwork or sending a written request via email to Justin Good, Professional Math Tutor, at Please include your name, subject area of difficulty, and your telephone number.